3 Ways To Add Multiple Photos To Instagram story

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms. It has over 800 million monthly active users. The app allows users to share photos and videos with their followers in a very easy way. One of the features that Instagram provides is Instagram stories. These are photos or videos that disappear after 24 hours and can only be seen by followers who follow you on Instagram.

Instagram has made it easier for you to share your story with the world. All you have to do is take a photo or video, add some text and post it. If you want to spruce up your story, you can add multiple photos and videos.

In this articles we will learn how to add multiple photos to Instagram story in different methods.

3 Method to Add Multiple Photos To Instagram story

Method 1: Using Instagram Layout Features

There are many ways to add multiple photos to Instagram story and one of them is using instagram layout features. Follow the given steps to add multiple photos to instagram story:

  • To add multiple photos to your story, you need to open your story.
  • You will see a grid of all your saved photos appear on the screen, tap on any one photo from this grid and you will get the option to select multiple photos. Just select the photos which you want to add in your story. In the given picture I have selected six photos.
  • After selecting multiple photos click Next button.
  • After pressing Next Button you will able to see Layout Features of instagram. Just Select it.
layout features
layout features
  • Finally you see multiple photos added to instagram story and you are ready to publish your story now.

Method 2: Grid-Layout Features to add multiple photos

The second method add multiple photos to instagram story is by using grid-layout features of instagram story. Follow the given steps:

  • Open your instagram and swipe right and you will grid layout on the left side and just press it
  • Now Click the photo one by one to add in a grids.

Method 3: Add photo Icon Features to upload multiple photos

  • Open your instagram and click on story to add photos. Now you will see a grid of all your saved photos. Select one of them first. You can also change the image size as your wish.

After adding one photos now Swipe up and scroll down, you will see add photos icon as shown in the picture. Just press it and add photos. If you want add more photos repeat the same process. You can resize the photos by just holding it with two fingers.

  • Now your multiple photos will be added to instagram story and just publish to share it.

If you are still confuse To Add Multiple Photos To Instagram story please check out this video for more details:

Read Also: How to find drafts on instagram?

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