HTTPS is invalid and might prevent it from being indexed

“HTTPS is invalid and might prevent it from being indexed”. Few days ago, this error is showing in search console. The reason for this is that these sites may not have been configured correctly or they lack sufficient capacity to handle the additional traffic. The solution is not as simple as switching back.

HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP, a protocol for transmitting information over the internet. It is used to protect sensitive information from being intercepted or manipulated by third parties.

Google has been encouraging HTTPS adoption for some time now. They have made it clear that they will be taking HTTPS into account when ranking search results and when displaying warnings in Chrome.

HTTPS is invalid and might prevent it from being indexed
HTTPS is invalid and might prevent it from being indexed

FIXED: HTTPS is invalid and might prevent it from being indexed

If you have already configured HTTPS to your sites and still showing “HTTPS is invalid and might prevent it from being indexed” Then it might not be your problem. Just wait for few days it will remove automatically.

Solution: Do nothing

Test Live URL

It is a test that is used to check for any errors in the website pages.

Google will not index any post lacking HTTPS on your site. So you just have to configure SSL certificates in your website.

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