Nepali Date Converter

The Nepali date converter can help you convert dates between the Nepalese and Gregorian calendars. It provides an easy way to convert dates in your inbox, calendar, or anywhere else in your digital life.

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Nepali date converter?

In Nepal, there are two different calendars followed: Gregorian and Bikram Samvat. The nepali calendar is a lunar calendar and the gregorian calendar is a solar calendar. Nepal is fully covered by both calendars because just like in many other countries, Nepal does not have a “traditionally” named month of February.

Date converter is a useful tool developed by Nepali software developers which can be a helpful tool just when you need it most; when you need to convert nepali date to english format or vice versa.

check : unicode to nepali converter

Check all in one tool (Nepali to English date converter ,Nepali date converter with tithi, Nepali calendar ,unicode to Nepali, date converter English to Nepali , Nepali to English date converter)